Tribute Song for Women Rights Activists in Pakistan {Yeh Arzu Kese Rukay, Yeh Hosla Kese Jhukay}

2015-04-28 1

Pakistan has an active women's movement that is a key force in the struggle for women's rights in this country. Women's movement NGOs have been essential for the defense of women's rights and human rights and have altered the power dynamics within the political field to the benefit of women. These civil society organizations play an indispensable role as voices of opposition to injustice and as representatives of women's interests in Pakistan and are to be commended for their courage. Within civil society in Pakistan, women activists are advocating to implement strategies to limit gender violence as well as provide care for survivors. The women's movement continues to negotiate women's interests with the state and society, and has become increasingly effective over time, strengthened by regional and international recognition of its work. People seldom hear about the activism of these women's groups. But their work and resiliency, often in the face of resistance, harassment and safety threats, should be recognized as much as the elements of fundamentalism that have attracted international headlines. The struggle against the honor killings, rapes, forced marriages, child marriages, exchange marriages, deaths by burning (stove deaths, which are presented as accidents), acid attacks and nose cuttings ( form of humiliation and degradation) and other forms of gender violence is seen through a secular human rights framework by these activists. Although the women's rights movement is alive and well in Pakistan, the country also is marked by a strongly patriarchal society where male power manifests itself in a high incidence of domestic violence. Pushing back at these abuses are women's rights groups, non-government organizations or NGOs who exist independently of any official funding and the government. They are selective about who gives them money to avoid being forced to take on the agenda of their donors. These women's organizations have been highly visible and active in mobilizing, even through periods of repressive regimes, with active protests, campaigns and strategic use of cultural resources such as the media to amplify the debates and educate the public. They have broken the silence on taboo issues such as rape, divorce and women's right to control their sexuality and choice of partners. In addition to their legal aid, human rights education programs and shelter services that promote women's independence and freedom from violence, Pakistani women's organizations are strong advocates for improved laws and policies for women and were instrumental in passing a law banning honor crimes in 2002 and more recently a comprehensive sexual harassment law. The courage and commitment of these women is striking. Challenging deeply entrenched norms offends some sectors of society and exposes them up to severe criticism. Religious leaders, the public and the families of the women who seek their services have often been hostile to them on the grounds that they are encouraging loose morals and rebellious behavior of women and intruding into the private sphere of the family. All of the women, especially the higher profile leaders who take very public stances, engage in public acts of protest, have been arrested, received death threats, and faced hostile propaganda and intimidation as a result. The most rebellious element of these organizations may be the promotion of a critical awareness among women of rights and options, providing the laws and tools to help women examine their own situations and life choices. Increasing numbers of women are now coming forward to seek services and are bolder and more confident about exercising their rights. This is at the heart of much of the rage directed against them, as women now also find new sources of support and safe spaces that build their strength to question and challenge their families and other institutions that contribute to their oppression.